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Gram Sabha Back to List

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The Indian government is divided into two parts the local government and the central government. Panchayat is the part of the local government. Panchayati Raj is the government at the village level that takes care of all needs of the villagers. Let us know more!

Discussion under Gram Panchayat

In the Gram Panchayat, various issues are discussed like

  • Social issues
  • Water problem
  • BPL benefits
  • Tracking misuse of money, and
  • The undue favour done to a group of people

For example, if a village is having water problem what will be the alternative ways to develop. Different panch will come with different ideas like using the hand pump, checking dams and rainwater harvesting methods, making tube-wells or wells in the village. Now the Gram Sabha will select the best idea and try to work on it.

Thus the Gram Sabha is a key factor in making the gram panchayat to play its role and be responsible. It is the place where all plans for the work of the gram panchayat are placed before the people. Gram Sabha prevents the panchayat from doing wrong things like misuse of money for favouring certain people. It also keeps an eye on the elected representatives and in making them responsible to the persons who elected them.

For example, many people who are below poverty line and really in the need of BPL facilities, many times are not able to avail the facility just because of the corrupt people. At that time by keeping a track on the misuse of money and the undue favour done to certain people, Gram Panchayat plays an important role.

Report/owned by: S. Govind   Contact No.: 9878965465   Source Location: Guntur, A.P   Published on: 14/02/2019 06:53 pm
