प्रगती आणि विकासासाठी मला मत द्या


पेशन योजना के तहत हम जरूरतमंद पिरवारो की मिहलाओ को Rs 3000 रपए मािसक पेशन देगे। योजना के फं डो का सही उपयोग सुनिश्चित करनेके लिए मैं प्रतिबद्ध हूँ । सभी के लिए शिक्षा एक मौलिक अधिकार है। स्कूलों का निर्माण करना ही पर्याप्त नही है। गुणवता युक्त  प्रतामिक शिक्षा  देने मे देश असफल रहा है। इस कारण से देश की एक पीढ़ी रोजगार के अवसर से वंचित है। इस दिशा  मे महापिरवतरन सिर्फ  तभी आ सकता है जब की  जीडीपी का 6 फीसदी शिक्षा पर खर्च किया जाय।

I want the people of my area to have all the opportunities they can possibly have, to be the best they can possibly be. I want Andhra Pradesh to be a model state for what inclusive development looks like and I want India to be a country where everyone has the same rights and is set on a path to greatness. India still needs equality in development across regions. I feel some parts of my own state have so much scope for development and given its central location in the country, and it can be so much more that what it is today. To this end, I aim to put all my efforts in boosting the economy of the region along with providing a high standard of living to all my people thereby, making Andhra state that is second to none. I have a dream for a nation where every individual is empowered, their rights respected and their position in society valued. Every individual has a role in this process of building our nation, and it is my firm belief that we need each and every person to ensure that our India reaches much greater heights than it ever has in the past. India’s rich heritage is her biggest strength. India has been a source of innovation, spirituality, learning and has been a repository of moral values for the world. While we must retain these attributes, we must also imbibe the best practices from the developed world. This must be achieved while retaining our core values and our ethos.